- 6 nights from 5pm – Tuesday to Sunday
- Sat & Sun – Brunch from 11:30am
- bookings and walk-ins welcome
- contact@lokanta.nz
- 09 360 6355
- 137A Richmond Road - Grey Lynn - Auckland 1021

- Lo–Kahn–ta
“Local Eating House” in Turkish - Authentic and tasty food of the Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean
- "Real food, beautifully cooked"
• Peta Mathias - "small local eatery - the epitome of honest, homemade cooking" ... "every item sounds tantalising - their wine list is sensational for a petite bistro"
• Denizen - "Perhaps what I really love about Lokānta, which ties in with good food and generous hospitality, is that there is no pretention about the food or the place. I go there not because I want to get something weird and wonderful, but because I can be assured of a good dinner. Take your tastebuds, and your friends, to the eastern Mediterranean and have dinner at Lokānta. Put everything into the middle of the table and share it. Excellent."
• Ray McVinnie